Iqra School aims to provide a high-standard of Manitoba-curriculum education while integrating Islam in the learning process. We consider learning to be a lifelong responsibility. We educate our students to integrate into society as proud practicing Muslims. We strive hard to create a learning environment where children develop Islamic behaviour, manners, morals, and pride in their Islamic heritage.
Our vision is that our students leave school with:
- A strong identity that reflects pride in Islam and a clear sense of mission.
- Character, values, and morals that are aligned with the teachings of Islam.
- The ability and desire to properly perform their spiritual duties of prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage.
- Well-rounded academic skills that exceed state educational standards in Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
- Arabic & French language proficiency.
- Strong research and study skills and the perseverance that enables them to gather information and analyze and present quality research results.
- Strong technology skills.
- Strong verbal and written communication skills.
- Well-developed critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
- The leadership skills that will prepare them for future academic and social roles.
- A strong sense of physical well-being and the practice of healthy habits.
Our mission is to provide an excellent academic and Islamic education within an Islamic environment to produce well-rounded Muslims and the leaders of tomorrow. We seek to promote a safe, caring, and supportive environment where our students can attain the knowledge that would enable them to perform as effective and peaceful citizens of Canada. Our students will be attaining such worldly knowledge in a spiritual environment rich with Islamic teachings, values, and practices.
- Instill the importance of putting God in the center of every student’s life.
- Maintain a safe, inclusive, and educationally stimulating environment.
- Enhance development of all five aspects of a child’s growth - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social.
- Instill the importance of culture, traditions, and values.
- Promote self-respect and respect for others.
- Make learning a fun and enjoyable experience.
- Create an opportunity that enables every student to be well-informed, have a well-rounded education, remain God-conscious, become confident and caring individuals, and develop a love for learning.
- Produce graduates who inspire others, and together change their community and beyond for the benefit of humanity.
- Enrich our families and serve our community.